I am on a bridging visa, what insurance do I need?

 If you are on a bridging visa and your most recent visa is a student visa, then OSHC is the right insurance for you: http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/Overseas+Student+Health+Cover+FAQ-1#takeoutoshc

If you don't know how long you need insurance for, simply purchase 1 year's insurance.  If your new visa comes through, then you can cancel your policy and get a refund for the remaining term of your OSHC policy.

If you are looking to get a 485 visa and need to prove that you have health insurance, then there is a special type of insurance that you need to get. Some OVHC policies cover this, but not all. We have some of these on our website: 485insurance.com.au