How can I transfer funds for living expenses?

Cohort Go is licensed to pay any international education institution and service provider including: 

  • Education institutions
  • Insurance providers
  • Accommodation providers
  • Other international education service providers
  • To the your own bank account for living expenses (except for Vietnam, India and China as restricted by the country’s government).

To create a payment for living expenses, first head to, select your home and destination country, and click "Make a payment". 

 Next select "Living Expense" as the invoice type. 

To enter the invoice, you will need to upload a copy of your personal bank statement as well as your passport number and contact info.

You've now created the transfer 👍🏻

Now you can continue with the payment process. 

First, select the payment method. 

Then, verify your identity. This will require uploading your passport for photo identification. 

Select the payer, this can be you or someone else, maybe your parent.

Next, confirm details and initiate the payment. 

The final step is making the transfer, payment instructions will be emailed to your nominated email address shortly. 

We'll let you know when we've received and then completed the payment and you can keep track of the progress here

Transfer funds for living expenses.